The Basis of the Faith of the Muslims in the Continuation and Existence of One God


In Islam, the belief in the oneness of God, known as Tawhid, forms the cornerstone of faith. Tawhid underscores the concept of monotheism, emphasizing the absolute unity and sovereignty of Allah. This article delves into the significance of Tawhid in Islam and explores its theological, spiritual, and practical implications.

Concept of Tawhid

Tawhid revolves around the profound understanding of the oneness and unity of Allah. Muslims firmly believe that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah. This concept encompasses the exclusivity of Allah’s sovereignty, rejecting any partners, associates, or equals.

Scriptural Basis

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains numerous verses emphasizing Tawhid and the uniqueness of Allah. Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112) succinctly articulates the essence of Tawhid, affirming the absolute oneness and incomparability of Allah.

Rejecting Polytheism

Islamic theology vehemently opposes any form of polytheism or associating partners with Allah. Muslims uphold the purity of monotheism, firmly rejecting beliefs that compromise the oneness of God.

Tawhid in Daily Life

The belief in Tawhid permeates every aspect of a Muslim’s life, influencing worship, behavior, and decision-making. It serves as a guiding principle, shaping ethical conduct and spiritual devotion.

Theological Significance

Tawhid serves as the foundational principle of Islamic theology, shaping the worldview and understanding of divine attributes. Muslims believe in the unity of Allah’s essence and attributes, affirming His transcendence and incomprehensibility.

Unity of Attributes

In Islamic theology, Allah’s attributes are inseparable from His essence, reflecting His perfection and uniqueness. Muslims affirm the unity of Allah’s attributes, recognizing His omniscience, omnipotence, and mercy.

Personal Connection

The belief in Tawhid fosters a deep personal relationship between the individual and Allah. It instills a sense of accountability and reverence, encouraging spiritual growth and introspection.

Historical Context

Tawhid played a pivotal role in the early development of Islam, shaping the religious and cultural landscape of Muslim societies. Monotheism served as a unifying force, guiding the expansion of Islamic civilization.

Comparative Perspectives

Comparing Tawhid with other monotheistic beliefs highlights the unique aspects of Islamic theology. While monotheism is a common thread among Abrahamic religions, Islam’s emphasis on the absolute oneness of God sets it apart.

Tawhid in Contemporary Society

In today’s diverse world, Tawhid remains relevant as a guiding principle for Muslims navigating various societal challenges. It provides a moral compass and promotes unity amidst cultural and ideological differences.

Educational Role

Educating future generations about Tawhid is essential for preserving the integrity of Islamic monotheism. It cultivates a deep understanding of Allah’s oneness and encourages critical thinking within the Muslim community.

Spiritual Unity

Tawhid serves as a unifying force within the Muslim community, transcending ethnic, linguistic, and cultural boundaries. It fosters solidarity and cooperation, promoting harmony and cohesion.

Practical Applications

Implementing Tawhid in everyday life involves aligning one’s actions with monotheistic principles. It entails striving for justice, compassion, and humility while upholding the unity and sovereignty of Allah.


In conclusion, the basis of the faith of Muslims in the continuation and existence of one God lies in the profound concept of Tawhid. This belief underscores the oneness and unity of Allah, shaping Islamic theology, spirituality, and ethical conduct. Tawhid serves as a guiding light for Muslims, providing clarity, purpose, and spiritual fulfilment.

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